Frequently Asked Questions

  • When should I Lease?

    You should lease equipment that quickly depreciates in value and/or must be updated regularly.

    Leasing has a distinct advantage over purchasing in that it allows you or your company to allocate funds for a maximum return on investment.

    You should alwas consult with your tax professional or tax financial advisor for which option is best for you.

    If you have any questions call us on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us to set up an appointment.

  • How much money can I borrow?

    We’re all unique when it comes to our finances and borrowing needs.

    Contact ADNA Financial Services on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us and we will help you with calculations based on your circumstances.

  • How do I choose the loan that’s best for me?

    Please refer to our Types of Home Loans and Home Loan Features list to help you learn about the main options available.

    There are hundreds of different home loans available, so contact ADNA Financial Services for assistance on the right product for you.

    If you have any questions call us on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us to set up an appointment.

  • How much do I need for a deposit?

    Usually between 10% – 20% of the value of a property, which you pay when signing a Contract of Sale. Most finance companies also require you to have the stamp duty for the purchase of the property. Speak to ADNA Financial Services on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us to discuss your best options for a deposit. You may be able to use the equity in your existing home or an investment property.

  • What are your Business Hours?

    ADNA Financial Services works Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm.

    We are also available most evenings by appointment.

    If you have any questions call us on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us to set up an appointment.

  • What type of Finance Solutions do you offer?

    ADNA Financial Services offer a wide range of lending and leasing solutions including:

    • Home Loans
    • Business Loans
    • Residential Lending
    • Commercial Finance
    • Equipment Leasing
    • Vehicle Leasing
    • Property Development
    • Home & Contents Insurance
    • Landlord Insurance
    • SMSF Lending (Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement)

    If you have any questions call us on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us to set up an appointment.

  • What fees/costs should I budget for?

    There are a number of fees involved when buying a property. To avoid any surprises, below is a list that sets out all of the usual costs:

    • • Stamp Duty – This is the big one. All other costs are relatively small by comparison. Stamp duty rates vary between state and territory governments and also depend on the value of the property you buy. You may also have to pay stamp duty on the mortgage itself.
    • • Legal/conveyancing fees – Generally around $1,500 – $2,000, these fees cover all the legal rigour around your property purchase, including title searches.
    • • Building inspection – This should be carried out by a qualified expert, such as a structural engineer, before you purchase the property. Your Contract of Sale should be subject to the building inspection, so if there are any structural problems you have the option to withdraw from the purchase without any significant financial penalties. A building inspection and report can cost up to $1,000, depending on the size of the property. Your conveyancer will usually arrange this inspection, and you will usually pay for it as part of their total invoice at settlement (in addition to the conveyancing fees).
    • • Pest inspection – Also to be carried out before purchase to ensure the property is free of problems, such as white ants. Your Contract of Sale should be subject to the pest inspection, so if any unwanted crawlies are found you may have the option to withdraw from the purchase without any significant financial penalties. Allow up to $500 depending on the size of the property. Your real estate agent or conveyancer may arrange this inspection, and you will usually pay for it as part of their total invoice at settlement (in addition to the conveyancing fees).
    • • Lender costs – Most lenders charge establishment fees to help cover the costs of their own valuation as well as administration fees. This amount varies from lender to lender and is dependant on the product you choose. Allow approximately $600 to $800.
    • • Moving costs – Don’t forget to factor in the cost of a removalist if you plan on using one.
    • • Mortgage Insurance costs – If you borrow more than 80% of the purchase price of the property, you’ll also need to pay Lender Mortgage Insurance. You may also choose to take out Mortgage Protection Insurance. If you buy a strata title, regular strata fees are payable.
    • • Ongoing costs – You will need to include council and water rates along with regular loan repayments. It is important to also take out building insurance and contents insurance. Your lender will probably require a minimum sum insured for the building to cover the loan, but make sure you actually take out enough building insurance to cover what it would cost if you had to rebuild. Also ensure you have enough contents cover should you need to replace everything if the worst happens.

    If you have any questions call us on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us to set up an appointment.

ADNA Financial Services helps individuals and businesses achieve financial freedom, financial security, and peace of mind, by finding the right financial solution to suit you. To achieve your financial goals call us on (02) 8006-5323 or Email Us to set up an appointment.